National Walking Day; How Walking Is Great For Your Physical and Mental Health

The sun is out, the birds are singing and it’s a great opportunity to go for a walk. There’s no better day than National Walking day on the 6th of April. There are many benefits of walking, let’s dive into a few…
It’s great for your body
A brisk walk can do wonders for your physical health, check out some of the benefits;
- Increased heart and lung fitness.
- Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.
- Management of blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol.
- Improved joint and muscular pain.
- Reduced body fat.
- Increased muscle strength, endurance, stronger bones and balance.
So, walking can do some pretty awesome things for your health. Now let’s take a look at how a stroll can positively impact your mental health…
Get outside
Walking is a great opportunity to create some distance from stressful situations. Turn off your phone and find a moment of peace. The fresh air can be calming, helping you to return to neutral.
“I love walking because it clears your mind, enriches the soul, takes away stress, and opens up your eyes to a whole new world.” -Claudette Dudley.
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves!
Keep active
You have to listen to your body, if you’re not fit for a workout that’s okay! A gentle walk can help stave off that extra energy without pushing yourself too much. It’s great for your mental health too as it means that even if you are injured you can still feel like you have accomplished something.
Get social
Don’t want to be alone with your thoughts? Why not ask a friend to join you on your walk? Rant, chat and set the pace. You’ll have all the benefits of walking with a much needed catch up. We advise asking friends with pups to join you for that extra furry fun.
Over to you…
If you’re ready to mix up your workout routine why not incorporate walking as part of your warm-up or cool-down routine? Mixing up where you walk is a great way to beat workout boredom too. Increase the pace to get the blood pumping and decrease it to a leisurely stroll to help stretch off those muscles. It’s a great addition to any Banish workout via the app.
This April get out and about to feel the benefits for yourself! As always be sure to mix up your workouts with tailored exercises on the Banish app.